Released on February 13, 2015, this action-comedy involves the story of a secret agent service called the "Kingsman." Kingsman Harry Hart recruits a funny, unpolished teen named Eggsy to join the service.
Rotten Tomatoes Review: 72 percent of critics liked it and 89 percent of audience members liked it.
My Review: 4 out of 5 stars
PROS: Although this may be due to personal bias, Colin Firth is as charming and funny as ever in this movie. The same goes for Taron Egerton, who plays Eggsy, who is extremely likable and talented. Together, the two have a great father-son type of chemistry. The movie was overall very well-done: production value seemed high, very detailed...etc. Surprisingly, the plot didn't become too far-fetched and was easy to follow. This movie had me wanting a sequel the minute it ended!
CONS: The violence's "cartoonish" feel took away from the believability of the movie, however, seeing as this movie is derived from a comic strip, it is understandable.
Overall, see this movie! It is humorous, but not overdone and the characters have great chemistry that makes the audience want a whole series of Kingsman movies!