Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mortdecai Brief Movie Review

Starring Johnny Depp and Gwyneth Paltrow, this comedy has Depp playing a foolish, eccentric British art connoisseur who goes on a mission to solve the case of a missing piece of artwork.

Rotten Tomatoes: 11 percent of critics liked it and 39 percent of audience members liked it.

My Review: 2 out of 5 stars (My own biased review: 3 out of 5 stars)

CONS: This movie was considered a huge flop by the critics and audience members alike. Overall, they found Depp's character to be unlikeable, unoriginal (for him) and tiring. Personally, I love Depp and everything he does, however, I do agree that this character was similar to ones he has played before and therefore he did not add any real substance or originalities to this character. Even though this was a comedy, adding something more to the character would have made the movie better. Also, the movie seemed to drag on and on, seeming a little to long for a comedy. Overall, a more sharp, witty and fast-paced plot and atmosphere would have helped the movie a lot.

PROS: Depp and his sidekick character in the movie have great comedic chemistry. Also, when watching the movie you can see how much potential it has to be a hit, which makes you root for the movie and its characters.

Overall, I would say wait to stream this movie online or when it comes on DVD. Preferably, watch this movie when you are extremely tired and find everything funny or if you love Johnny Depp. 

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