Released on Christmas, this movie, an adaptation of the beloved book series called Paddington, follows a young, talking bear from Peru who comes to England in hopes of finding a new home.
Rotten Tomatoes Review: 98 percent of all critics liked it and 87 percent of audience members liked it.
My Review: 4 out of 5 stars
PROS: The CGI of the bears is fantastic and well-done. There is great chemistry between the human family members and Paddington in the movie. Also, the character Paddington is very likable and has more depth than most characters in children's movies. Overall, there is a very sweet and somewhat quirky atmosphere throughout the movie.
CONS: There is a sort of "Cruella de Vil" type of story line that gives the movie a slight lack of originality. (I'm not sure if this is from the original books). I feel as though something could have been added to the movie to give it that extra push it seems to need.
Definitely recommend! Although it is a very G rated movie (haha), I recommend it to anyone who enjoys sweet, "feel-good" movies.
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